Our August 2020 Newsletter

WELCOME to our August 2020 newsletter. 

We would typically be telling you all about the upcoming year but due to the unusual circumstances due to Covid, we are going to try to give you positive tips and help you prepare for the school year ahead.


We are busy preparing our families for a roller coaster year. We are still taking new clients. Let us know if you need us, as this may be the year you want some help in thinking through all your choices. 


We are fielding questions and helping parents with small and large decisions. What should pods look like? What is realistic for our children to do for activities? What is the study buddy system?   Join today and have access to us. We are available to help you.

SCHOOL TOURS will have a definite change and look. Admission directors have been working all summer to figure out the next steps, but everyday there are new twists and turns. Plans will be out in the upcoming weeks but change is inevitable.

SSAT will be different this year for families  thinking of applying to private schools for grades 6th-12th.  Be sure to visit the SSAT website for the test schedule and a better understanding of your test options.

JATP will be offered in person for now but it will be monitored closely for changes. Check out their website as well. 

PUBLIC schools have different options and protocols depending on your school district. Everyday there is a new mandate. Read for yourself. Do not rely on your neighbor. Your nuclear family is the most important right now. We are of the mindset that the education of your child comes first. Do not compromise the goals and ethics of your family. 

Here are a few things to think about as we enter a new school year:

  • If you are showing anxiety and fear your children will feel it.
  • If you plan your days using a big whiteboard and everyone can see what is happening,  it will help the family remain structured and positive.
  • Your children cannot live in isolation but again you must weigh the pros and cons of everything you do.
  • Schedule play dates, even if online. For younger children, it may seem like they’re sitting in front of the computer and not saying anything, but they are seeing and interacting with another child..
  • Make sure you are having meaningful conversations with each of your children. It is important for them to get their individual thoughts out, especially with the unusual circumstances, regardless of whether your child is doing virtual learning or in-person. School is different than they are used to.
  • Acknowledge with each child what may not have worked last spring for them.Talking honestly about school, activities, camp, family gatherings, etc.
  • If you have parents or grandparents, be sure everyone is communicating at least once a week. You may not get to see them as often but everyone needs to hear from each other.
  • The “pod” idea is a good one but not everyone can afford this. Find one study buddy each child can discuss his/her school and activities with on a regular basis.
  • Encourage teamwork and exercise- sports may not happen in the fall but get a small group together and social distance with running, exercise, non contact sports. 
  • If your activities are starting, please remember to give your child strict rules. The rules you set for your family will help keep your family healthy. Managing expectations is important.
  • A school corner should be set up for each child- little or big. Make sure you buy supplies ahead so there is less whining, less drama and more positive thinking. If your child is old enough, buy the supplies together.
  • If the school has an online portal, be sure to sign up for periodic grades or comments so you won’t always have to ask how is my child doing, but do keep up with the teacher by email,
  • You must be a salesman’ about this year. It will be different; life has weird moments when we do not understand them but we have to try to remain upbeat. 

This is not a regular year. Each activity and friendship takes work, thinking and planning.  


Watch for signs of anxiety, fearfulness, outbursts, overeating or loss of appetite.

Watch for signs that your child is not a ‘virtual learner’. Discuss immediately with your current teacher or call us for suggestions.

Take more breaks at home. Relieve stress by going outside. Take a walk or a snack break.

Encourage positive discussion at family meals and together time of lively topics.

Keep a morning schedule and consistent bedtime hours. If doing virtual learning, you may want to start a bit later but encourage the children to dress and do their chores. Consistency and regularity are important themes. 


OCTOBER 7TH: Life After Preschool Webinar (Registration details coming soon)

ADMISSION DIRECTOR Webinar: Mid to late October (Official date TBD)We are here to help you and others. This is one of those crazy years we will never forget. Please refer to our website for more information.